*NOTE: Last chance to apply for Badass Mastermind*
Listen...you may be interested in the Badass Mastermind, or you may not be interested. That's not the point. This isn't about the mastermind. It's about the URGENCY with which you live your life.
How often do these phrases come out of your mouth?
"I'll do it later."
"I'll do it when I have the money."
"I'll do it when I'm ready."
I know many people who claim they want big things. But they are standing in the same exact place they were three years ago. Why? Because they say things all the time like, "I'll do it later." "I'll do it when I have the money." "I'll do it when I'm ready."
Are you one of those people?
It's not wrong or bad to stand in the same place for three years. However, some of us have too much inside us to stand still. We dream. We aspire. We crave movement. We thirst for accomplishment.
Sometimes I wish I could sit still and meditate and be happy exactly where I'm at. But I can't. It's not in my DNA. When I'm not placing one foot after another on my way to bigger things, I'm miserable. I can't look at myself in the mirror. I've learned to push through my own fear and hesitation because I know that I'm only truly at peace when I'm moving forward.
Call it entrepreneurial spirit. Call it the American dream. Call it badass. Whatever it is, I'm proud of it and I'm proud of myself when I quiet those little voices in my head that say, "I'm not ready. I'll do it later."
The application process for the Badass Mastermind closes tonight. I invite you to live your life with URGENCY, and apply now: