Monday, November 1, 2010

Your Business Card is Invisible

It's so easy to follow the pack. To put your head down and do what everyone else is doing.

Chances are your business card is flat, 2" x 3.5" and it lists your name, email & phone. Why do I know that? Because that's how everybody does it.

Wake up. Stop blending in. Start thinking about who you really are and what makes you unique. What is the story you tell about yourself? How do you tell it? Be a badass and stand out from the crowd.

Wanna see how I did it?


  1. Feeling like such a proud parent in this moment :) Am sooooo happy to hear this little piece of paper is getting your story through to people. $$$ well spent.

  2. That's one awesome business card. I want one for my desk too! :)

  3. You are crazy awesome. Now that's a great business card.

  4. I had to admit that it look weird at first. All in all I like it, and I'm happy you like it even more.

    Pedro Lugo Hernández

  5. Wow! Love NOT being like everyone else. That is the coolest business card I've ever seen.
