Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Diamond Necklace

"Badass is a State of Mind" from Jessica Kizorek on Vimeo.

At the Empowered Woman Summit in Miami last week I talked about the diamond necklace. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about and want to watch the full unabridged keynote speech, I just posted it here. (FYI-The Summit was AWESOME and props to Michelle Villalobos for making it such a success!)

A real badass knows where she's at, and where she wants to be. A real badass takes the time to distinguish "the gap," and what life will look like on the other side. I'm not talking about woo-woo manifestation tactics. I'm not talking about The Secret. I'm not talking about a vision board that you meditate on. I'm not talking about hope. I'm talking about real deal goal setting and action planning.

A real badass gets hungry hungry hungry to bridge the gap. She surrounds herself with other badasses who will hold her feet to the fire and help her bridge that gap. She trains herself, reads voraciously, befriends influential people, and makes one unreasonable request after another.

Where are you now?
Where do you want to be in three years?

Do you even know? What's your plan to get there?

PS - Stay tuned for the November 29th book release and information regarding the 10 person application-only mastermind.


  1. I love your website. I feel empowered when I read your blogs.
    I have my own little catering/bakery biz:

    Any MY GOAL in the next 3yrs? MAKE Martha Stewart, that no talent Rachel Ray, and all those other chefs in the biz SHIVER when they hear my name: NARIMA.

  2. Gotta tell ya, Jessica, I didn't leave the seminar feeling Badass, I left feeling Broke-ass. Like I NEED to make money to give to some "life coach" to tell me how to be a better business woman. Or to someone who's an expert in social media. Or how to make my teeth whiter. I was not in a good place.

    The next day, I met with another businesswoman I know who is full of ideas, creativity, passion and smarts, and told her about my experience. I told her about the coaches and all the vendors wanting us to buy their "stuff" and how it depressed me because I didn't have the budget for any of it. We moved on from that topic and instead focused on what we needed for our businesses and began to brainstorm on how to help each other. We came up with a lot of ideas.

    But then I thought about how do we make these ideas actually happen? It's one thing to talk about and another thing to implement. I decided the best course of action was for both of us to BE each other's "life coach."

    We started off with long term goals (what we want to achieve in our business in six months to a year) and then set smaller goals to be achieved within two weeks. We wrote our goals down and gave them to each other and then every two weeks we will meet and discuss, why it worked, what didn't, and how we can improve. Our own version of being accountable to someone. And all it took was a little ingenuity.

    This was very inspiring for me personally as I sometimes find larger goals so daunting and out of reach that I get lost in trying to get there. Small steps with the aid of a compatriot who's going through the same challenges, really makes the road less rough.

  3. Where are you now?
    Have you ever had to tell someone what you do and started RAMBLING and reaching for the right words? Did you miss that opportunity to make an impact and knew it the moment you stopped talking or the other person passed out? Moving your conversation from endless to engaging is critical in every aspect of your life, not just professional speaking. I improve communications in as little as 5 minutes.

    Where do you want to be in three years? -
    Right now I work with professional athletes that have a microphone slapped in their face in a moments notice. My goal is to work with women and be known as the WOMAN'S COMMUNICATIONS CZAR (ok.. CZAR might be a bit strong). But basically, lets stop rambling and start communicating now. Tangibly, I want to have regularly scheduled seminars for business women to have the CONFIDENCE to Present, Speak, and Achieve excellence in communications.

    Do you even know? What's your plan to get there?
    Right now, I am starting with the CHAMBERS and the NETWORK of women that currently set up those amazing summits. Reaching out to the community is CRITICAL!

  4. Hi Jessica!

    I definitely enjoyed your presentation but not going to lie, left feeling very similar to LaDivaCucina. I have dreams, I know what I want to accomplish. But I'm really not sure how to get there. Having just graduated from college, I feel like I have to find a happy medium between what I believe I'm worth and what the business world believes my degree is worth.

    I got my BS in Leisure Services Administration and Special Events. I have really big dreams but at the moment, no true contacts or any money. I have been applying everywhere, going to every networking event that I find, and talking to everyone. I definitely don't want to make excuses for myself but I'm finding it really hard to get anywhere. I think its a great idea to become a life coach for someone and have them light your fire but I don't know that I really have enough experience to be giving an established badass businesswoman my thoughts and suggestions. Perhaps there are other college grads and entry level badasses involved in the movement? I am in the process of trying to map out a plan and could definitely use the support.

    I will be talking to everyone this Thanksgiving weekend and getting them behind me and hopefully shaking the fears out of myself and sending good energy my way for a badass job! Have a great weekend!
