Monday, May 24, 2010

No Guarantees

This week I absorbed more information, rules of thumb, and tactics than I thought possible in a 5-day span. However, it wasn't the knowledge that I'm most grateful for. Knowledge is easy to come by.

On Friday morning there was a popularity contest. And I lost the contest - BIG TIME. There's no guarantee that Badass Business Women will amass one million members. There's no guarantee that we'll be on the Ellen DeGeneres show by the end of the year. There's plenty of little tribes out there of 125 members who stagnate and fall apart.

Seth Godin has sent me out like a boxer in the ring and prepared me for every possible way in which I could fail with you guys. I've faced deep into my anxiety, attachment, and fear of not measuring up.

"You need to be addicted to the thrill of being inches away from failure," he said. Only when you enjoy the adrenaline will you have the freedom and tenacity to go after what you really want.

I want to be for YOU what Seth has been for me this week. I want to be your cutman... the one who stands in the corner of the ring, pushing you to go get swung at. Go out in the world. Do something scary. Then sit right down next to me and I'll slobber that Vaseline stuff all over your cuts and get you back out there for the next round.

How does that sound?


  1. I love that # being addicted to the thrill of being inches away from failure". I always perform better when I am on the edge.

    Thank you! I already consider you my 'cutman'. I can not wait till you get back so that we can kick some ass!!

  2. Get a big jar, badass, I'm right behind you!

  3. In the immortal words of Albert Einstein: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I "am" addicted to the thrill of being inches away from failure; and I believe it is truly a "miracle" that when the door of failure is about to slam in my face a driving gust of windy motivation gives me the strength to keep that door from closing and opens into a day that brings just enough success to keep me walking through it. Ellen Burton, DUO Magazine.

  4. love this post. love the quotes. here's another...
    some wise soul said 'the quality of your life is directly proportionate to the amount of uncertainty you can deal with'

  5. love it. reposting that comment to my facebook page.
