Today I tied the laces and headed out for a run on a perfect 75 degree afternoon in New York City. I ran 50 blocks to St. Michael's Cemetery, and when I walked through the gates, the tears started running down my face.
I cried. I cried because I was grateful to be alive. I cried because I was moved by what I’m up to. I cried because I felt the enormity of my calling on this planet. I cried because today I received a tremendous honor, and I don’t take it lightly.
This morning I walked into Seth Godin’s office at 9:12am. For those of you who don’t know Seth, he’s one of my major influences and biggest heroes. He’s written more than a dozen books (such as Purple Cow and Meatball Sunday), many of which have been New York Times Bestsellers.
He’s been on a hunt the last few months to find 11 people who are changing the world. My buddy Stephanie Tisch made me apply, and I was one of 1,700 people who threw their hat in the ring. Last month I was informed that I made the final 22, so here I am in New York.
The 11 “chosen ones” will spend the entire upcoming week with Seth in an intense learning experience. His goal isn’t to teach what can be learned in books. His goal is to confront the fear, hesitation, and barriers in each one of us … hence allowing us to impact humanity in a massive way. He is indoctrinating us, then sending us out into the world to make ripples. Here’s the full story: http://www.squidoo.com/highleverageweek
The other 17 human beings in that room today were magnificent. We all wanted to be chosen, yet the space was free of competition. Each one of us had our own gifts, our own stories, and our own future.
Seth decided he wasn’t going to pick. He was going to have us pick. So we spent 2 hours interviewing others about our past, but more importantly, what we were hungry for. “What’s your biggest fear?” “Why are you here?” “What are you going to cause as a result of this experience?” We then made a list of the people we wanted in the course with us.
Being in the presence of Seth and my peers was one of the most humbling, eye-opening, and adrenaline-filled moments of my life. I wore my Badass Business Woman t-shirt to the interview. You guys were right there with me.
In the end, I was chosen. Seth Godin believes in me. He believes in my power to change the world. And he wants to leverage me.
So….. Here I am. Ready. Hungry. Humble. You know when you really surrender and trust the universe? I’m having one of those moments.
I love you guys. For realz.
No at all surprised Jess. You are called upon to move the world. I love that you take it on with humility and grace.
ReplyDeleteHave he most amazing week of your life. Then go out and share your most amazing life.
Love and more.
Thank You for the beakon of light that you are!
ReplyDeleteLuv you, you Baddass!
Jessica, Seth sees in you what we all see in you, a visionairy woman about to change the world! And we have Front Row Seats!
Heidi Richards Mooney,
Badass Mamma
You are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI loved meeting you at Seth's place. Congratulations on making it in! I look forward to seeing the ripples (or waves!) that you make. You are amazing.
ReplyDeleteCongrats again, miss lady... you are truly one BADASS BITCH! I'm glad that you're getting to be involved in such an amazing project, you deserve it!
ReplyDeleteKeep it up, and keep on those pink running shoes... ;)
Very badass indeed. It's funny how everyone we allow into our lives become a link in our chain of fate. This is a life changing one!!! Congrats.
ReplyDeleteShare: My greatest fear is that the importance of creating space for gender exploration is not something of great need in the eyes of many whom are concerned with or without such a 'tiny' detail in the percentage of growing population.
ReplyDeleteI am committed to the moments of recognition by many, yet few in the grand scheme of things that the grey areas are safe within the walls of Drag it Out as an organization. People who claim they have found a sense of self and family within move me. Empowering leaders to do, do and DO again, with the beauty of being connected to the 'whole'. I know that we don't have to lose another Brandon Teena, Matthew Shepard, or countless other voiceless names for the simple fact that they are experiencing a gender variance in any shade.
Thank you for providing a place to share! I am inspired by your trips, experiences and forward actions! Badass Business is here! Make your mark! XO
Tabatha Mudra
You are here to alter the way women relate to themselves and the way humanity relates to women...
ReplyDeleteThe Force is strong with this one. ;)
Thrilled for you Jess!
ReplyDeleteWoW Jessssssica!!! Cheers to You!! Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteI Can Not say that "I am Impressed" ...because that would mean to me that you did something I thought you not capable of.
I knew from the moment I met you that You are Destined for Great Things & You Will Make a Significant Immpression Upon this World!! (No Pressure, Really! ;) LoL)
Ever since I met you at the South Fla. Renegade Entreprenuers Meeting & you were on the Hot Seat, I thought WoW... Ball Breaker..like Game Changer--She's Going To Touch Alot of Lives!! I am Very Proud of You & Celebrate Your Joy. I have shared BadassBusinessWomen with other friends and they were delighted!!
Soooo Go Out There... Suck It ALL Up Like a Sponge!!! Learn Everything you can, Feel Everything you can & Experience Everything you can!! You certainly deserve to be there with Seth & I look forward to reading more from your experience!!
...Your Badass Sista
Ohhh p.s. I RT'd ya & thanks, you turned me onto Randy Gage. (I've been subscribed to Seth's blog for many many months now. Awesome) xoxoxoxo
I'm in tears right now, not just because you're such an amazing communicator- like you just did on this post. It is also that I get what you're up to in the world and I thank you, and God for putting you here among us, for the wonderful planet, and world, you'll leave behind. Seth and the others who participated in choosing you just demonstrated that they're very smart. I don't wish you luck, you don't need it. I wish you success.